Although the prospect of ice on the roadway causing a tractor-trailer to jackknife in New Mexico is small, it's not out of question that a trucker might lose traction and subsequent control of his truck for another reason.
December 2017 Archives
Can I be reimbursed for losing my job after an accident?
Although it may not be one of the most ethical things for an employer to fire you if you are injured in a car crash, it happens. It's especially common in instances where you suffer such significant injuries that you're going to need to be out of work for longer than the sick time that you've accrued or for which you are covered under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
Tips for traffic safety around tractor-trailers
If you've ever driven next to a large commercial truck, you're likely familiar with the uneasiness such an experience can inspire. This anxiety is not necessarily misplaced, either. Due mainly to the sheer size and weight of tractor-trailers and semis, fatal collisions between a smaller automobile and a larger commercial vehicle often result in the death of the driver or passengers in the car, but not the truck. In fact, fatal crashes between small personal vehicles and trucks claim the lives of car occupants in 80 percent of such accidents.
Which type of worker is most apt to get injured on the job?
A recent Department of Labor report suggests that just last year, at least three million Americans either had to miss work or had their jobs downgraded because they suffered an injury or illness while working.
When am I eligible to sue my landlord for illnesses or injuries?
Landlords have a responsibility to keep the properties that they own and rent out free of potential health hazards. It also is their responsibility to ensure that the place they're renting is up to current housing codes also. If they fail to do this, and some serious illness or injury results from their negligence, then they can be held liable for paying any medical bills, lost wages and other expenses the injured party may amass.
Can I be compensated for emotional distress caused by a wreck?
Sometimes, injuries that you suffer in a car crash aren't just physical, but are mentally or emotionally debilitating as well. The concept of pain and suffering applies to both physical injuries as well as their non-tangible ones that you may suffer in a crash.