Someone spills a drink on the tile floor of a grocery store and you walk right into the puddle of liquid without noticing it. Or maybe a staircase you take after leaving your doctor's visit is poorly lit and you slip and fall all the way down a full flight of stairs. If you suffer injuries in one of these types of instances, you may want to hold the property's owner liable for your mounting medical costs and lost wages.
June 2018 Archives
Does drowsy driving equate to drunk driving?
Getting enough sleep can be a challenge for many people here in New Mexico. Between work and family obligations, time for sleep may be limited. When you add in having time to relax and enjoy some down time, the amount of hours left for sleep diminishes quickly.
N.M. 314 and Courthouse Road to be redeveloped to reduce crashes
New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) officials held a hearing for the public recently to hear their thoughts on the redevelopment of the intersection of Courthouse Road and N.M. 314. One of the reasons that they'd scheduled the hearing is to get input from Los Lunas residents about different designs that they'd come up with.
What is perinatal ashyxia and how will it impact my child?
The birth process can be fairly traumatic for both baby and mother. This is one of the reasons that a large number of babies suffer injuries when they're born.
Can undocumented workers receive workers' compensation benefits?
While hiring undocumented workers may not been lawful under existing federal law, many employers turn a blind eye when they desperately need help. Because hiring undocumented workers is illegal in this country, you may think that you'd be ineligible to file a claim to receive workers' compensation benefits if you were hurt on the job.