Motor vehicles have many different essential parts that could malfunction and cause serious problems and possible injuries.
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New Mexico Product Liability Lawyer
When vehicle defects cause serious monetary losses for motorists, the resulting legal cases can be drawn-out and contentious. Automakers should be held liable for the harm they cause, but these large corporations will often fight against liability and compensating consumers whenever possible.
Bicycle safety tips may help you on the road
As someone who has recently become interested in cycling, you may have much to learn. While learning to ride a bicycle is something most individuals do as a child, you could still benefit from understanding certain safety tips and tricks that could help you as you bike, especially if you plan to ride on or near roadways.
Suffering a head injury in a car accident is a big deal
A New Mexico car accident can change your life in many ways, especially if it leaves you with injuries that cause lingering complications. It is not easy to recover from certain types of injuries, particularly ones to the head or brain, and even minor injuries involving the brain can have a serious effect on your life.
Spinal cord injuries due to car accidents can easily change lives
Many events can take place that have life-changing outcomes. In many cases, those events are positive ones, such as marriage or having a child. Unfortunately, in other instances, you could find yourself involved in a serious car accident that causes you to suffer injuries that change your life in numerous and difficult ways.
Is stacking your coverage worth the higher premiums?
The law does not require carrying uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage on your auto insurance policy in New Mexico as it does in some states. However, that extra coverage will likely make a profound difference if you are seriously injured in a car accident. Medical bills can be astronomical, especially if you suffer severe or catastrophic injuries. These may require multiple surgeries, prolonged hospital stays, numerous prescriptions, physical therapy and other aids to your recovery.
Tips for traffic safety around tractor-trailers
If you've ever driven next to a large commercial truck, you're likely familiar with the uneasiness such an experience can inspire. This anxiety is not necessarily misplaced, either. Due mainly to the sheer size and weight of tractor-trailers and semis, fatal collisions between a smaller automobile and a larger commercial vehicle often result in the death of the driver or passengers in the car, but not the truck. In fact, fatal crashes between small personal vehicles and trucks claim the lives of car occupants in 80 percent of such accidents.
Speeding drivers can cause catastrophic injuries
You might take every possible precaution behind the wheel, but this is no guarantee that you will be safe. All it takes is one dangerous driver to cause a severe accident, injuring you and putting you out of work.
Construction site injuries and your rights as a hurt worker
Working in construction comes with various risks, no matter what type of job you may hold on a New Mexico construction site. Often, construction site accidents happen as the result of preventable hazards and safety issues. Additionally, due to the nature of this particular type of job, construction site accidents often result in serious and debilitating injuries.
Fight to recover your losses after losing a limb in an accident
Car accidents can cause a variety of injuries. Sometimes, New Mexico victims may only suffer minor injuries, but there are times in which a victim could suffer an injury that may change his or her life forever. This is true when an accident leads to a traumatic amputation, which is the loss of a limb or appendage.
Tractor-trailers add many dangers to New Mexico highways
If someone were to ask you to give examples of driving situations that may terrify you, one of the first things that comes to your mind might include a tractor-trailer barreling alongside or behind you on the highway. Seeing one of these massive machines fast-approaching in your rear view mirror is enough to make your blood pressure soar, not to mention the panic that sets in if there's heavy traffic in the area and you aren't able to safely move to another lane.
Hard-hitting facts about spinal injuries from car accidents
It all happened so fast. On the other hand, it seemed to happen in slow motion. The other vehicle came out of nowhere and T-boned or rear-ended you, and since that day, you haven't felt quite right. Maybe there is some tingling in your hands or numbness in your legs. A doctor may have checked you out when paramedics took you to the hospital, but days later, new symptoms appeared, and you are concerned.